Explore our egg donor FAQs to decide if egg donation is right for you

If you’ve ever wondered about donating your eggs, but have questions about the process, you’re not alone. Below are common egg donor FAQs that can give you more information about becoming an egg donor.

Are you taking all of my eggs – can I still have a baby later on?
There is a common myth that egg donation can result in the inability to have your own children because you are losing all of your eggs—this is false! Most women are born with 1million eggs, give or take a thousand or so!  An egg donation cycle will typically result in 10-20 eggs retrieved.  The biggest facto impacting your ability to have a baby of your own is the age that you attempt to conceive!

What should you include in your egg donor application essays and personal statement?

Much like a college application, these essays require some humble bragging. Your profile is designed to help someone decide if you’re the egg donor for them. It’s your story of “you”, in your own words. The essays allow the recipients to see you as a real person, so let them get to know you. Things to consider including in your profile are things that give insight into who you are:

  1.      About your family – do you have children, a partner, brothers or sisters
  2.      Why you decided to become an egg donor
  3.      What you hope for someone who uses your eggs
  4.      What you do for a living and why you chose this career
  5.      Your outlook on life
  6.      What is your personality like
  7.      How would your closest friends and family describe you
  8.      A goodwill message to a donor-conceived child, this is important as it may be given to child one day to explain genetic origins

How are donors and recipients matched?
As and egg donor, your profile will be available to egg recipients in our database.  Most egg donor programs are anonymous so only non-identifying information is shared.  Pictures are usually pat of the database profile so those are the only identifying information shared with future parents.  Future parents (egg recipients) choose their donors based on a range of factors, including physical features, ethnic background, personality and talents.

How often can you donate your eggs?

It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for a physician to review your donation (whether it was safe, the quality and quantity of your eggs, etc.) before you may donate again. Pathways to Parenthood allows women to donate their eggs up to six times in their lifetime, a guideline established by the governing body of infertility, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

Are there any expenses associated with egg donation?
No, the intended parents will be responsible for all costs of the cycle.

Is my egg donation anonymous?
The majority of egg donors choose to be anonymous. In these setups, no identifying information is shared between the donor and the intended family. Donors are also not informed of the outcome of their eggs. Semi-anonymous, or semi-open, setups also exist, in which donors and intended parents agree to share a small amount of information with one another. This may include locations or first names. Known donors, or open donors, are far less common. These setups involve a friend or family member of the intended parent(s) serving as a donor.

How will I be compensated?
Pathways to Parenthood Egg Donors compensation is $5,000 for a first-time donor, distributed upon completion of the cycle. Donors may be eligible for increased compensation upon subsequent cycles, if eligible.

Basic Criteria for Egg Donor Candidates:

  1.      Between the ages of 21-29
  2.      Healthy BMI: Under 29
  3.      Physically and emotionally healthy
  4.      Good family health history (including mental health)
  5.      Non-smoker, non-drug user (all donors are tested)
  6.      Have regular periods
  7.      Not currently breastfeeding
  8.      Willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluation
  9.      Willing to take injectable medication

Becoming an egg donor is a big deal. It’s a decision that will affect many lives, including your own. There’s no denying that donating your eggs is a sacrifice, and you’re giving the gift of life to a couple waiting for a family. If you’ve decided to become an egg donor, Pathways to Parenthood can guide you through the process.  They have been helping bring together future parents and egg donors for 9 years!

Common misconceptions about surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is one of several options for parents who are unable to have a baby the “traditional” way. Even though it’s been an established practice in the United States for decades, there are still many misconceptions about it. Here are several misconceptions about surrogate mothers, along with explanations as to why they are untrue:


  1. The surrogate mother will be biologically related to the baby.

It is a common misconception that when you use a surrogate mother, she will be biologically related to your child.  This is only true for traditional surrogacy, which is a less common form of surrogacy.  Today, the most common form of surrogacy is called gestational surrogacy, and that is what we offer here at Pathways to Parenthood.  With gestational surrogacy, the egg of the intended mother or egg donor is fertilized with the sperm of the intended father or sperm donor to create embryos.   Then an embryo is transferred to the surrogate mother.  This process is called in vitro fertilization (IVF).  The IVF process provides the intended parent(s) with protection for a legally safe and proven process of establishing parentage.  When IVF is utilized to create embryos, the surrogate mother is not biologically related to the child in any way.


  1. A surrogate can change her mind and keep the child after it’s born.

In a gestational surrogacy, this is an extremely rare occurrence.  Because a surrogate is not genetically related to the child she is carrying, she has no parental rights to keep a child after birth.  In addition, a surrogacy lawyer that specialized in ART law will make sure that the intended parents’ parental rights are established and protected.  In addition to these legal protections, it is important to know that it is very rare for a surrogate to change her mind and want to keep a baby that is not biologically hers.  When working with and agency like Pathways to Parenthood, that provides a stringent surrogacy screening process, it is almost unheard of.   These types of stories are more likely to occur in independent surrogacy arrangements where intended parents and surrogate work independently from a surrogacy agency.


  1. I won’t be able to bond with my baby.

Bonding with the child after birth is something that many intended parents worry about leading up to the pregnancy.  That is normal!  However, the bonding process begins after the child is born, not while in the womb, so it makes sense that intended parents would have this fear when the baby has not been born yet!  The bonding starts the minute the child is born and he/she is immediately handed over to the intended parents for skin-to-skin contact.  Any interactions the surrogate will have with the baby will be decided and agreed upon prior to the birth of the baby.


  1. Surrogates are only in it for the money.

While surrogate mothers are financially compensated, and typically very well, it is usually not the primary reason they become surrogates.  Surrogates are primarily motivated by their desire to help intended parents build their families.  Helping a couple become parents is extremely rewarding.  The entire surrogacy process takes at least a year, typically longer.  Being a surrogate involves a significant of time and effort so the desire to help others is what keeps women committed and motivated to the happy end of the surrogacy process!


        5. Any woman can become a surrogate.
Even though most women can biologically carry a pregnancy for intended parents, there are a number of criteria that a gestational carrier must meet before being accepted by a reputable surrogacy agency like Pathways To Parenthood. View our basic criteria for surrogate mothers to find out if you qualify to become a surrogate.


        6. Surrogates are Usually Friends or Family Members
While some people do know someone who can act as their surrogate, a lot of people do not. And even if they do, many intended parents do not want to manage the complexities that a personal relationship can add to an already stressful process. For some, it is the right choice, but not for all. When that is the case, intended parents will match with a gestational surrogate through a surrogacy agency like Pathways To Parenthood.

Surrogate Bonus – Pathways to Parenthood

Many women enjoy being pregnant. From the glowing skin to the baby bump, there’s a lot to love about the pregnancy journey. Many people who enjoy being pregnant, but aren’t looking to expand their family, choose to give the gift of parenthood to those who can’t conceive on their own through surrogacy. Pathways to Parenthood is offering a $500 bonus payment to anyone that completes the screening process and joins our program. Since we’re always in the market for incredible women who have the heart to help create families, this program is our way of saying “thank you.”

Why Are We Offering a Bonus?

Surrogacy is extremely important. The more surrogates that we find, the more families that we can help have children – and we think that deserves a bonus! We have many intended parents waiting to be matched with a surrogate to grow their families.

To learn more about our surrogacy process, please click here!

*Your $500 bonus will be paid out once the screening process has been completed.





7 Tips For Preparation To Become A Surrogate

The surrogacy process can and should be an exciting and joyful experience for surrogates and intended parents.  There are many steps in the surrogacy process and therefore many potential opportunities for disappointment, frustration, and stress. Knowing what to expect and being prepared for the surrogacy journey can help reduce the likelihood of any negative emotions and experiences.  The following tips can help you have a great start to a wonderful opportunity to help others in such a special way.


Know The Requirements

There are many surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics that list the requirements/criteria to become a surrogate. If you search the topic, you will find a plethora of information. You will also find that the requirements/criteria are consistent for any surrogacy agency or fertility clinic.  You can view as many websites and resources as you have time for, but you really don’t need to. Looking at a few websites will give you reliable information for the requirements to become a surrogate.


Consult Your Doctor

Becoming a surrogate requires that you are healthy reproductively and in overall good health. It is essential to have your OB’s approval before moving forward in the surrogacy process.  Written approval from your OB/GYN is a requirement before moving forward as a surrogate.


Be Up To Date On Medical Care

This will be different for every potential surrogate candidate as it is dependent on health history. Examples include being up to date on your Pap Smear, and also all screening/monitoring tests applicable to your age group and health history.


Be Flexible!

As with many things in life, the surrogacy process does not always go as planned.  It is important to have plans and timelines in place, however there is a good chance that you will have to adjust those plans and timelines throughout the surrogacy process.  Your surrogacy agency can help you anticipate and prepare for any unexpected occurrences that may pop up.  Oftentimes, the surrogacy process will go smoothly and without any hiccups so be prepared for that too!


Establish Your Support System

If you are married or have a partner that you share your life with, it is essential that you have their support for your plans to be a surrogate mother!  If you move forward in the process to become a surrogate, you will likely find someone in your circle of life that may express negative feelings about you being a surrogate.  But your spouse/partner cannot be one of them!  Your experience as a surrogate can be an amazing journey for you and your family as you share a unique way of helping others.  So be sure that everyone in your immediate family is on board.  It is a bonus if parents, siblings and other family members and close friends are supportive.  Get feedback from those closest to you as you are gathering information about becoming a surrogate.


Learn From Experienced Surrogates

Many experienced surrogates will share their surrogacy journey stories in a variety of ways.  Some will post about their surrogacy process, pregnancy, birth, and post-birth experience on social media platforms and blogs.  Most are willing to engage with prospective surrogate mothers and answer questions and give advice.  Be sure to gather information from at least 3-4 experienced surrogates to get different perspectives and experiences.


Be Patient!

Every part of the surrogacy process might take weeks, months, or even longer.  It is surprising how long certain steps in the surrogacy process can take! Although frustrating, it helps to consider that rushing anything of such magnitude as surrogacy could have negative consequences later.  There are many providers involved; surrogacy agency, fertility clinic, reproductive attorneys for intended parents and surrogate, insurance specialists, and OB/GYN.  Any of these providers may discover unknown information that causes delays and disappointments.  These can be overcome of course, but not without patience, flexibility, and persistence.


It takes a special woman to be a surrogate mother!  To even consider the possibility of becoming a surrogate is amazing.  As with any important life experience, being prepared can help make the experience all that you want it to be.  If you are considering becoming a surrogate, thank you!




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