Finding A Gestational Surrogate On Your Own In Kansas City: Is it worth it?
Posted on Pathways to Parenthood By September 24, 2013Building your family through gestational surrogacy is expensive, and the idea of eliminating the expense of using an agency seems like a good idea. But is it? Of course the answer to that question is not an easy one, and…
Considering using a surrogate or gestational carrier in Kansas City to have a baby: understand the difference!
Posted on Pathways to Parenthood By August 23, 2013The terms surrogate mother, gestational surrogate, and gestational carrier are often intermixed, and sometimes confused. It is important to understand the differences so that you can make the best decisions about your family building options. The term gestational carrier is…
Technology, Egg Donation and Gestational Surrogacy for Family Building in Kansas City
Posted on Pathways to Parenthood By August 1, 2013The internet gives future parents an opportunity to quickly access a plethora of information about third-party reproduction. The ability to access information about egg donation or gestational surrogacy gives people information and options for building and growing their family. Many…
Using a Gestational Surrogate to Build Your Family: Is this the right decision for you?
Posted on Pathways to Parenthood By July 11, 2013The dream of having a child is something most women have and cherish from the time they are little girls. The joy of being pregnant and seeing your belly grow, the excitement of feeling your baby kick, and giving birth…