Egg Donor Ovarian Reserve and AMH

The screening process for egg donation involves many steps.  Knowing whether a young woman who wishes to help a family through egg donation is actually a good candidate or not involves among other things a fertility assessment.  Only a medical…

Pathways To Parenthood: An Egg Donor and Surrogacy Agency Welcomes Dr. Courtney Marsh Back to Kansas City!

Pathways to Parenthood is very excited to welcome Dr. Courtney Marsh to The Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine at KU Medical Center.  Dr. Marsh began her medical career at the University of Kansas School of Medicine.  She completed her residency…

Considering Egg Donation in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area: Making The Decision

The recommendation from your physician to consider utilizing an egg donor for building and growing your family is initially a very difficult and upsetting thing to hear.  For many that do hear those words, it becomes a wonderful opportunity to…

Considering using a surrogate or gestational carrier in Kansas City to have a baby: understand the difference!

The terms surrogate mother, gestational surrogate, and gestational carrier are often intermixed, and sometimes confused.  It is important to understand the differences so that you can make the best decisions about your family building options. The term gestational carrier is…

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