The surrogacy process is a life-changing event that requires planning and organizing well in advance of getting started on the journey. Two major areas that influence the surrogacy process are how long it will take, and how much it will cost. The following information will outline the range of costs for the surrogacy process, and hopefully help you understand why it is so (unfortunately) expensive!
There are many factors that influence the overall cost of working with a surrogate to build your family. There are multiple professionals that are a part of the surrogacy process, all with associated fees for services provided. The costs outlined here are what you can expect if you work with a surrogacy agency to build your family through surrogacy. There may be ways to save money if you choose to work independently, and not work with a surrogacy agency. One word of caution however is that what can be a cost-saving strategy can ultimately cost you more money in the long run if the process does not go as expected. And/or it can cost you in other ways, such as added stress, longer time to complete the process (baby!), and the psychological/emotional costs of working independently.
The range of cost to build your family through surrogacy, working with a surrogacy agency, typically falls between $75,000-$150,000+. This does not include the cost of using an egg donor or sperm donor, or donated embryos. If that is part of your family building plan, there will be additional costs specific to that process.
The range of costs related to the surrogacy process are greatly influenced by a few very important factors that will benefit you to give consideration to before moving forward. One major factor that you have control over is which surrogacy agency you work with. Surrogacy agencies have fees for the services that they provide. All agencies structure their services and fees differently, so make sure you understand these well if trying to decide which agency is a better fit for you. The right fit may be influenced by other factors other than agency fees, so give some thought to what else is important to you when working with a surrogate and a surrogacy agency to build your family.
Another factor that can greatly influence your overall cost, and is not completely in your control, is whether your surrogate’s insurance will cover her pregnancy as a surrogate. If you do work with a surrogacy agency, you can let them know that you cannot afford to work with a surrogate that does not have insurance coverage. However, you may have to wait much longer to match with a surrogate. If your surrogate has an exclusion in her insurance policy, then you will have the cost of providing an alternate insurance option.
Other services that you will need when using a surrogate to build your family include the medical treatment provided by a fertility clinic. There is some variance in costs between fertility clinics, so it is important to get cost estimates for the treatment plan for working with a surrogate.
You will also have legal expenses to cover the legal agreements and legal processes that are a part of the surrogacy journey. These fees can vary somewhat between attorneys, however most work within a similar range. One major factor that influences he cost is the state which your attorney practices in, and where your baby will be born.
Another expense is the compensation package for your surrogate. This can vary greatly depending on the surrogacy agency you work with, where they are located, and where your surrogate lives. There are many great surrogates that are willing to accept lesser compensations at smaller agencies. This is definitely a category of cost where more money does not translate into a better experience.
There are other potential surrogate related expenses such as travel, incidentals, co-pays, deductibles, child-care, and lost wages. Your surrogacy agency can help you understand better how much these expenses will be as they vary depending on where your surrogate lives, and where your fertility clinic is located. Pathways To Parenthood: An Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency can provide the information you are looking for about surrogacy costs and much more! Contact us today to schedule your free consultation at 913-469-5500, or