Pathways To Parenthood: An Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency Celebrating Women’s History Month
Posted by Pathways to Parenthood | March 5, 2021At Pathways To Parenthood, we celebrate amazing women everyday! The
amazing women that survive the trials and tribulations of infertility; the amazing
women that are willing to help other women (and men too!) become moms (and
dads too!); and the amazing women that tirelessly work at Pathways To
Parenthood to help make others’ dreams come true. March offers all of us an
opportunity to collectively honor the impact women have made in history, and
the groundbreaking history we continue to make every day.
History is filled with stories of so many exceptional and outstanding women who
have accomplished so much that there are far too many to even begin to
mention. History is also filled with countless courageous, strong, and determined
women who lived their lives working hard and caring for others. They lived, and
are living, their lives as a shining example influencing the next generations,
making the world a better place because they were/are in it.
In the spirit of highlighting what amazing feats women have achieved, and
continue to achieve every day, Pathways To Parenthood celebrates women who
are surrogates and egg donors, past and present. These incredible women offer
themselves, literally, to help bring life into the world for someone else. These
women become surrogates and egg donors because they understand the need,
and they want to help others in a really special and unique way.
The gift of surrogacy and egg donation by the women who give of themselves,
brings joy and happiness that is unlike anything else. We all should celebrate any
woman that has been a surrogate or egg donor, or wants to become a surrogate
or egg donor, for they make the impossible possible.
If it is in your heart to help a family become parents by becoming a
surrogate or egg donor, contact Pathways To Parenthood today and get
started. If having a baby through surrogacy and/or egg donation is an
option you are considering, take the first step and contact Pathways To
Parenthood today! You can reach us at 913-469-5500 or at
Egg Donor Program Disclaimer
Pathways to Parenthood Surrogacy Agency’s egg donor program is no longer in operation. After many wonderful years of helping families grow through egg donation, the difficult but necessary decision was made to close the program. The Covid pandemic’s economic impact and change in market conditions greatly influenced our decision.
The good news is that we are still building families through surrogacy. Plus, given our years of experience, we can provide education and guidance regarding the egg donation process for family building, and also recommendations and referrals for finding an egg donor. Please contact us for more information.