Services of a Surrogacy Agency Located In The Kansas City Area/Pathways To Parenthood: An Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency

If you plan to use a gestational surrogate to build and grow your family, one big decision you will make in the early stages of the process is whether to work with an agency or “go it alone.” To help…

Using An Egg Donor in Kansas City: The Waiting Game Continues….

One of the most challenging aspects of coping with infertility is the time you have to wait.  Waiting for test results, waiting to hear back from your clinic, waiting to see if “it worked this time.”  The list could go…

Using Egg Donation In Kansas City To Build & Grow Your Family: Why do clinics require me to meet with a mental health professional?

If your clinic requires you to meet with a mental health professional before moving forward with using an egg donor, or sperm donor, you may feel angry and defensive. This reaction is common and normal as the assumption by most…

Finding a Gestational Surrogate in Kansas City: How long will it take?

Planning to us a gestational surrogate to build and grow your family is a wonderful opportunity for those that do not have the option of carrying or delivering a baby.  Making the final decision and being ready can take quite…

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