The Legal Implications of Using An Egg Donor to Build Your Family in Kansas City by Pathways To Parenthood: An Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency
Posted by Pathways to Parenthood | September 19, 2018If you are planning on becoming a parent through egg donation, it is important to consider the legal issues that need to be addressed. Because having a child is such an important life event, it is essential to obtain legal counsel to help you know and protect your parental rights. Pathways To Parenthood requires intended parents and egg donors to have a legal agreement, that is done anonymously, and adds a layer of protection for intended parents and egg donor.
Depending on the path you use to choose your egg donor, you may not be “required” to consult with an attorney, or have a legal agreement, before a clinic will clear you for treatment. Clinics that have their own egg donor programs or egg banks, use their consent forms as your legal agreement between you and your donor. It is possible the consents may be sufficient to protect your parental rights, but they may not be. The only person qualified to answer that question for you is an attorney with experience in assisted reproductive technology.
Contact Pathways To Parenthood today and let us help you get started in building your family through egg donation, or if you are an interested in being an egg donor, we welcome your application, which can be found here: